Thursday, November 15, 2012

More Stuff on Countries

     So today in class we discussed our answers for the questions on the countries we've been associated with for the past couple of weeks, so we should be experts on them by now. This time we talked about their history and background/political geography. We had to say when each country declared independence, if they were ever part of another country, when they were founded, and lastly, where they are found on a world map. Mr. Schick also informed us that we will be writing a 500 word paper on two of these countries and their relationship with the United States. I'm thinking about choosing China as one of my countries because I know that almost all of our trading come from there. Another country I might choose would be Venezuela because the United States buys most of it's oil from there, but their President, Hugo Chavez, doesn't like us too much. But a country like Afghanistan would also a good pick because of the war in Afghanistan, and I could describe why it is happening. So those three countries are my top picks.

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