Wednesday, January 9, 2013


       Today in class we continued watching Guns, Germs, and Steel like we have been doing. Today we branched out more on Jared Diamond's theory of geographical luck. Out of 148 possible species that could be domesticated, only 14 are. Them being goats, pigs, bali cattle, mithans, reindeer, horses, llamas, yaks, sheep, cows, donkeys, bactrian camels, arabian camels, and water buffalo.  Out of all of those domesticatable animals only one of those species originated from some place other than Asia. That animal being the llama which was located in Africa. Also, the fertile crescent was located in Asia. It had fertile land for farming and many species of domesticatable animals which provided aid in farming and gave them excess food. Also, those animals could be used to make clothing and other useful materials. All of these reasons lead to why Mesopotamia became the first civilization in history. So, the people who lived on the fertile crescent were clearly very geographically lucky because there were no other places in the world being as successful as them because no one had the same resources.

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