Thursday, January 10, 2013

Wheat! (GGS Cont.)

       Today we watched part 6 of Guns, Germs and Steel. It seemed like it was then end because Mr. Schick said we weren't watching all 18 parts and there was end credits so we might be finished with the documentary. Well anyway, the video today talked about why certain areas were more efficient to cater to farming needs. A major factor of this was because places on the equator were far better for farming because the climate and weather were ideal for farming crops. After we finished watching the video Mr. Schick emphasized on how much wheat is consumed. About 20 million tons of wheat is produced each year. So, that is around 40,000,000,000 pounds of wheat. All of that wheat is divided up into around 300 million people in the United States, which averages out to around 133 pounds of wheat per person. This means in one year the average person will have consumed 133 pounds of wheat in one year. This hows how important it was for people back then to be able to farm and have good conditions for farming because it was healthy, abundant, and your cattle could eat the leftovers and fertilize your farmland to make more. And today, if something isn't made with wheat, there's a good chance that it is made from some other grain like barley, rice, or corn. So, being in a good geographically friendly area for farming lead to big success for becoming a civilization and being able to survive.

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