Monday, October 15, 2012

More Culture...And Religion!

       Today in class we continued talking about culture. First we talked about ethnic groups and how in some cases there are many countries with many different ethnic groups. Now that is not always a good thing. Having more than one ethnic group in a country can lead to civil war , especially if that country is not under good leadership. For example, the US has many different ethnic groups among it but for the most part everyone gets along and there are no civil wars happening. But in places like Rwanda and Burundi in Africa have 2 dominant ethnic groups, Tutsis and Hutus, and they do not get along. After we discussed that, we went on to talk about religion. Religion is both unifying and dis-unifying. If people disagree on their beliefs, in many cases, it causes war and even civil war. But, when people have the same religious beliefs it brings them together to practice those beliefs. We, also learned about the five major religions which are; Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism  and Judaism. We only really got into talking about Christianity and none of the other ones so I think I know what we will be doing next class.

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