Thursday, October 18, 2012

More Religion.

       Today in class we had a few conversations about religion and at one point, we had Kishan tell us all about Hinduism. He explained to us (or at least tried to) about how many people think Hinduism is a polytheistic religion but it is not. Kishan explained that Hindus believed in only one god, but has been reincarnated to other Gods, it's a difficult concept to perceive. We also learned many different cultures have different laws a punishments for breaking those laws. For example, in many middle eastern countries women are not treated with any respect and have little rights, and if they break those right they can get severe  punishments such as amputation of certain body parts depending on the crime. Also, in those places, women are not allowed to show many "features". Women have to wear loose fitting clothes and cover their whole body including most of their face.
      After we discussed those thing for a while, we started to get into to talking about Buddhism. We learned about Siddhartha Gautama's philosophy on how everyone suffers.The Buddhists also have an eight fold path that is kind of similar to what our guest speaker said about our thoughts, words, actions, habbits, and character. The Eightfold path is right view, right intention, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right concentration.

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