Wednesday, October 10, 2012


        Today in class presented our projects. I went up with Kishan and Sean to present about Native Americans. I feel we did a very good job, especially because no other group really did the project. So they had to use projects from another class. I learned that the Vikings arrived in America in about 1000 A.D and they traveled by ships. They used three different types of ships which were the snekke, drekkar, and sniek. The Vikings were not sent by anyone to go there, they went on their own and when they arrived they did not fight for the land. The Vikings did not stay in America for long at all because they did not find it special, they could do all the stuff they could do there that they could do at home. After that group presented, I learned about Christopher Columbus and his arrival at America. I learned that ,obviously, he was NOT the first one to arrive there. The Native Americans and Vikings were there first. But, unlike the Vikings, Columbus and his men fought the Native Americans for their land and pushed them west into the country.

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