Saturday, October 6, 2012

Test Today and Unusual Cultures

        Today we took our second test which was about the movie we watched, "God Grew Tired of us". I think I did an OK job but I'm pretty sure might have missed a few questions. After every one finished the test, Mr. Schick told us to search up unusual cultures and that's where things got interesting. We all searched up cultures that seem to be odd and different from ours and we found many crazy things. One strange culture I found was in Indonesia people point with their thumbs because it is considered rude to point with your index finger and in America people point with their index finger. There were many other strange cultures like camel wrestling, gurning, and day of the geese. One thing I think is funny is that if it is your own culture you don't find it weird. For example, in many western civilizations young kids believe in a fairy that collects lost teeth and gives them money if they put it under their pillow when they sleep. Most people in our region would find this normal for kids to believe in whereas people from other cultures would find this crazy, and this would be the same for our perspective on other "weird" traditions in cultures. So, the different places in the have many cultural differences and people just seem to find other culture strange and unusual.

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