Monday, September 24, 2012

First test and Sudanese Civil War

       Today we had our first test and I thought it was SUPER easy. I think I did exceptionally well on it. Now we are moving on to our second unit. Our first assignment is to get facst on the Sudanese Civil War.

  • Lasted from 1983-2005.
  • Millions of people died from famine, disease, and the war.
  • Caused partly from racial a religious differences.
  • Another cause is because southern Sudan was not included in important negotiations.
  • In 1972 Christian missionaries were expelled and christian schools were closed.    
  • Southern protester were attacked by the government which lead to fights and grew to a full scale civil war.
  • Southern Sudan has more access to water because of the Nile river, and it has more resources of oil and is much more fertile than the north where most of their border is the Sahara desert.
  • The south decided to maintain the resources where they live and not share with the north and. contributed to war.
  • Sudanese refugees also wanted revenge on the government fro being kicked out of their own country. 

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