Saturday, September 22, 2012


     So Monday is our first test of the year for human geography. In class on Friday we reviewed a lot of material from all our previous classes and talked about what kind of questions were going to be on the test. The test is going to include just about everything we have talked about in class, like The Message to Garcia, the CIA world factbook, population statistics like growth rate, total fertility rate, rate of natural increase gross domestic product (GDP) and GDP per capita. Also, I am going to have to know all of the terms we had from ancient Greece, Socrates, The Socratic method, arete, polis, 508 b.c, and agora. Plus, we are going to have to know some stuff about our classmates' presentations on their assigned country, so it seems like I have a good amount of studying to do, but I think I'm going to do well on the test.

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