Saturday, September 15, 2012

Interesting Fact Discussion

      Friday in class we shared our two most interesting topics from the "Did You Know 3.0" video. We talked about how some of these facts show how fast the world is growing in many ways. For example, Apple is now the largest company in all of history and its hasn't even been invented for 10 years. Things like technology are such a major part of how the world functions today, and without it, we would not have grown nearly as much. We use technology to communicate to people all the way across the world. Another fact we talked about was the size of Facebook and how if it were a country, it would be the third largest country in the world with about 845 million users. This is very amazing because it's so many people from all around the world on ONE social network. Many other facts from the video just all show how the world is growing and what seems like the best new thing today is going to be forgotten about tomorrow because of new inventions and such great technological growth.

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