Thursday, September 20, 2012

Presentation Day

      Today we started off class by finishing our google presentations even though we were supposed to have it it done by today, but Mr. Schick let it slide because when he left to get his cart we all willingly moved the desks into our group formations. So after we worked for about 15 minutes we began sharing. The first group did their presentation on Thailand. I learned that it has a fairly well life expectancy at around 70-75 years. The next group to go up did their presentation on Nigeria. They said Nigeria was a developing country because it has a very high unemployment rate, a low life expectancy, and it has a fast growing population. Then my group performed. We had Stoots go up and present our assignment to the class while I searched up answer for question Mr. Schick asked and Stoots didn't know the answer to, which I was extremely good at. Sometimes i would answer his question before he asked it. But beside the fact, I think we did a very good job on our presentation and I fell confident we will receive a good grade on it.

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